Journey with St. Joseph – Week V
A parable like story about a Starfish Dancer. Our role as sharers in Christ’s Work and our opportunity to imitate St. Joseph in his role as a Provider of the next right or loving action is explored.
Journey with St. Joseph – Week IV
This homily is a parable like story about a Starfish Dancer. Our role as sharers in Christ’s Work and our opportunity to imitate St. Joseph in his role as a Provider of the next right or loving action is explored.
Journey with St. Joseph – Week III
The homily examines how our vision of ourselves sometimes does not line up with our reality and circumstances. Our invitation is to invite God to help us to cast a new vision of ourselves and to discover God’s dream for our lives.
Journey with St. Joseph – Week II
Our Lenten Theme continues as we juggle the numbers from 1 to 10 discovering that 9 may hold a secret that reveals how we grow in holiness by turning toward God in prayer. The Transfiguration of Jesus inspires us to be transformed into the image and likeness of Christ. Through the intercession of quiet St. […]
Journey with St. Joseph – Week I
Our Lenten Theme begins with a story about the once struggling French author Balzac who became a success by overcoming temptation by literally drawing a dream and vision for his life. Dreaming and receiving a vision from God through prayer helps us to overcome temptation and empowers us to provide for the good of others. […]
HOPE Theme – Week V
Fr. Matt takes us into an apple orchard on the foothills of the Himalayas where a Kashmiri grandfather or Budhebub reveals a secret to his grandson that contains a spirit of Wisdom older than the earth on which they stand. Bite into the sweet fruit of prayer to change your perspective and taste the grace […]
HOPE Theme – Week IV
Fr. Joe hits a homerun with a Baseball story that is out of this world.
HOPE Theme – Week III
Fr. Joe shares a humorous story about a young woman whose lack of Honesty and Openness to her own thoughts, feelings and behavior cause consequences in her professional life. Honesty and Openness enable us to love God and others with our full hearts, minds and souls.
HOPE Theme – Week II
Fr. Nico shares a story about two famous people whose antipathy for one another led to a legendary and humorous repartee. You may never look at a couple of tea in exactly the same way.
HOPE Theme – Week I
Fr. Joe shares the story of a professional ocean swimmer who setting out on a twenty-six mile swim encounters fog. When our lives are shrouded in fog are spiritual in Christian HOPE helps us to continue forward and to flourish.