Symbols of Hopes: The symbols pictured on the prayer card are ancient symbols of hope. Blue is the color of hope because our blue planet, sky and sea are the creation that mirror God’s love, our true hope. Since the days of Noah, Hope is represented by the Dove which returned to the ark carrying an olive branch which meant that there was dry land. The people’s hope was fulfilled and soon they would embrace the new life that God would provide. The anchor is a symbol of hope is often carved in early Christian catacombs. The anchor reminds us that hope keeps us safely in place in a storm. In peaceful seas the anchor is lifted, raising our spirits with freedom to sail forth as love in action. The line or rope on the anchor represents our life journey which spirals upward through the cross as we journey from our creation by God in glory to our ultimate hope in sharing eternal life with God in glory.
Hope for People of Faith: Hope is a feeling of expectation and a desire for a particular outcome in the future. For people of faith Hope is a trust in God’s Providence, faithfulness and promise to be with us always. Hope is the affirmation that “God’s power at work in us can accomplish far more than we could ever hope for or imagine.” Ephesians 3:20. Christian hope is a gift from God that can be experienced in prayer. The anagram of HOPE illustrates four aspects of prayer or prayer steps that can help us to experience God’s gift of hope in our daily lives.
Honesty Openness Perspective Endurance
Honesty – being completely candid with God in prayer about our thoughts, feelings and situation.
Openness – consciously affirming God’s desire to do more from us than we can do for ourselves. Prayer opens us to the transformation of mind, heart and spirit.
Perspective – asking God to reveal in prayer new ways of seeing ourselves, others and circumstances. We learn to see more clearly with faith, in hope and with love.
Endurance – relying on the power of the Holy Spirit for courage, self-control, strength and inner peace.
Theme Prayer – Our Theme Prayer is simple, profound and a lovely affirmation that our HOPE lies, yesterday, today and forever, in the Lord.
O Lord, My Hope Lies in You
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Theme Hymn: O Lord, My Hope Lies in You
(Music: My Soul in Stillness Waits by Marty Haugen)
O Lord my God, in you I find my peace; truly my hope lies in you.
Verse 1:
O Lord of Hope, our only light of glory,
Your radiance shines in honesty and truth;
Open to us the pathway of your peace.
Verse 2:
O Lord of Hope, the source of Love in Action,
Bring new perspective for our eyes to see;
O give our hearts the grace of blest endurance.
There are as many ways to pray as there are people. Experiencing prayer in new ways enriches our relationship with self, others and God.