Not One, Not Even One​

A touching story is shared about a concerned mother, a warmhearted boy and personalized Christmas cards that help us to appreciate selfless giving and are called to love as God loves without strings attached.


Not One, Not Even One

Watching from her kitchen window, Chad’s mom sees her quiet, shy boy tagging along behind the other children. They laugh and talk with each other, Chad follows. The same thing happens every school day. Chad is always on the sidelines. One day Chad announces that he wants to make a personal Christmas card for each member of his class. Reluctantly, fearing for her child’s feelings should he received no cards, his mom reluctantly agrees. Every afternoon she watches him drawing and printing a personal note for each child in his class. On the last day of school before Christmas break, Chad is excited as he sets out to deliver his gift cards. Watching as they walk home from school mom sees that Chad is still following in their wake. Mom is now anxious and glad that she has baked his favorite cookies – just in case. Without turning to face him, so as not to betray her feelings, his mom asks, “How did it go?” Chad answers, “Not one mom – not even one!” Her heart sinks and then he adds, “I didn’t forget one – not a single one. What a great day!” Chad has a loving heart that does not expect a return. He loves freely. To love without expectation is to love as God loves. We’re invited this Advent to embrace this type of unconditional love. To love so freely and openly without self-concern is a gift that can only come through prayer at rare moments. Our Advent program Your Gift is Wrapped in Prayer is a way for us to pray and to bless others freely and openly without an expectation of return or exchange. As we grow to love as God loves we learn to let go of the strings that we attach to what we give others. We have all been gifted and blessed by God with our own unique gifts. Gifts are given to us from God and for others. When we reflect on the gifts that God gives us and prayerfully give thanks we are able to love with grateful hearts. We may not all have hearts like Chad, but we are all gifted to love in our own unique ways using our unique gifts.

Reflection and Activity

This Advent is an excellent time to take a break and make some time for prayer. You’re invited to the knowledge and to recognize the gifts that God has given to you as positive personality traits.

Prayerfully read from the list below and choose the qualities that best describe you.

Positive God Given Gifts that Describe You

Kind, Intelligent, Hard-working, Loyal, Creative, Accepting, Strong, Friendly, Nurturing, Thoughtful, Respectful, Determined, Helpful, Funny, Patient, Realistic, Serious, Independent, Trusting, Resilient, Relaxed, Listener, Decisive, Enthusiastic, Organized, Practical, Courteous, Grateful, Responsible, Cooperative…etc. (Abbreviated list taken from Therapist a more complete list go to Advent Week II)
2. Thank God for those gifts.
3. Which one gives seems be your “go to gift?”
4. What one action can you take to share that gift with another person?