

  1. Before reflecting on the Holy Family image breathe deeply and remember that God is closer to you then you are to yourself.
  2. As you prayerfully look at the image of St. Joseph and the Holy Family what is the first thing that holds your attention. Which person? Which color?
  3. Describe the image verbally as if trying to conjure it for a person who could not see it but would benefit from a description of this lovely domestic yet Holy scene. This practice will help you to see more clearly and in greater detail.
  4. Notice the prayerful and gentle expression on Joseph’s face. Perhaps Joseph is wondering what will become of this child as he grows under his care. What father or mother has not prayed to be all that God dreams and wishes him or her to be so that a child receive the best of them? What prayer can you offer for your father and mother? If you are a parent what is your prayer?
  5. Joseph’s strong arm and calloused working hand seems to be blessing the infant Jesus. Whom do you wish to bless? Who blesses you? Thank God for these blessings.
  6. We can recognize Joseph as provider because he is taking care of Jesus so that Mary can sleep. This image is filled with endless possibilities for reflection and prayer. What surprises you about this scene? What delights you? Do disturbs you? Talk this over with God in prayer.
  7. What is this image of St. Joseph and the Holy Family saying to you at this moment? Speak to God about it.
  8. What prayer does this image call forth from you?
  9. Through the intercession of St. Joseph ask for wisdom to discover the one action you will take To Be a Provider for Others?