Casting A Vision Through Our Values Reveals God's Dream For Us

Invite St. Joseph to be your intercessor in this Prayer as you explore your deeply held values. Your values are the foundation of your decision-making and how you live in relationship with yourself, others and God. Your values determine how you use your time, talent and treasure as a Provider. What you value, love and are willing to sacrifice for cast a vision for your life and reveals God’s Dream for you.

The following list of values that will help you to recognize what you hold in high regard, what is important to you, how you prioritize your choices.

Select the values that most apply to you:

Examples of Values

drive, competency, individuality, equality, integrity, service, responsibility, accuracy, respect, dedication, diversity, improvement, enjoyment/fun, loyalty, credibility, honesty, innovativeness, teamwork, excellence, accountability, empowerment, quality, efficiency, dignity, collaboration, stewardship, empathy, accomplishment, courage, wisdom, independence, security, challenge, influence, learning, compassion, friendliness, discipline/order, generosity, persistence, optimism, dependability, flexibility, change, faith, hope, love, sacrifice

Reflection Questions

As you prayerfully read each value, reflect on three aspects of each value (personal character, mission or work life, spiritual life God’s dream for you) by answering the Reflection Questions through the intercession of St. Joseph. St. Joseph is an excellent model for our spiritual lives whose values shaped the vision Jesus embraced for Himself and led to our board fulfilling God’s dream for all peoples.

  1. How is this value demonstrated in my character? In my past – in my present? How is God inviting me to live much more fully this value in my own character? What action can I take to share this value?
  2. How does my work or life mission (family, employment, caretaking) reflect this value? What one action can I take to fulfill my responsibility to live this value in my daily life?
  3. How have I seen this value in the life of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Biblical characters or Saints? How have I seen this value in family or friends? Thank God for these good examples and grateful experiences. How is God inviting you as a Prayer, Dreamer, Provider to live this value more fully?
  4. Invite God to guide you as you prepare a brief Vision for your life using the values you identified. Writing your vision down may help you to more fully appreciate God’s desire or dream for you in your present and in your future.